April 8, 2002
In ancient times, if there was anything in nature our forefathers had trouble explaining through their limited knowledge of science, they would create myths to place these natural phenomena in a context that they could understand. Often times these myths would be more entertaining than the scientific explanation discovered hundreds of years later. In keeping with that tradition, we here at DCGreeks.com created some myths of our own for April Fool’s Day to explain some of the unexplained phenomenon on our site, including the existence of seemingly too-good-to-be-true members and system bugs we had with our messaging center. In our feature, Secrets of DCGreeks.com Revealed, we told a few tall-tales for the purposes of entertainment, making sure to put a Disclaimer at the bottom to let people in on the joke. Well, based on some emails and conversations we’ve had with people, it seems some of you didn’t notice the disclaimer, and wondered why we would go to the trouble of creating aliases or delete people’s emails. Just to be perfectly clear, we’ll go over a few things: Pappas, Hot Rooster, Happening Hen, Steamy Serpent, Ihategreeks, Ladies-Luvin Lambrinos, and Polizoumeri are not figments of our imagination. They are all real people, just like you and us. Some people are more creative with their profiles than others, and as long as they’re not being offensive or harassing to other members, we don’t have a problem with them. We We do not delete normal messages from legitimate users. There have been times in the past where members have received member mail notification emails but have found nothing in their DCGreeks.com Inbox. This can be explained by one of the following reasons:
There was never a Girl @ DCGreeks.com. That isn't even a real picture of a real girl featured in the article. We hope that clears a few things up. We apologize to those of you that didn’t read the article all the way through to read the disclaimer at the bottom.