Hi, my name is Never2Late and I'm a 59 year-old male from Arnold, MD. Personal Statement: I am second generation Greek American and have lived in Arnold, Md since 1973. The best feature about that I like about this area is being near the water. I enjoy going to the beach or being out on the water in a sailboat or kayak. Being part of dcgreeks I hope to meet and develop friendships with others and someday meet some of you at the different events. The kind of person I'm looking for on DCGreeks.com: Actually, through this site I met a wonderful lady who just so happens to be in my profile picture. Coincidence? Nope! If we had not posted our profiles there is a chance that we may never have met. But it happened and we have a terrific relationship that continues to grow. If you are out there looking for a special person in your life, be patient and your prayers may just be answered. |