Hi, my name is avraam and I'm a 47 year-old male from chesapeake, VA. I am looking for both men and women. Personal Statement: I grew up in Bethlem, Pa and attended St Nicholas Greek Othodox Church. I have many realtives there.The maternal half my family comes from Cyprus and the paternal half comes from Lesvos. The Turks wiped out my paternal grandfather's family. I moved to the DC area to do computer support. Apparently my family was very jealous of me because they had their gang stalking gang, ( which paid them well ), STALK, HARASS, POISON AND IRRADIATE ) me for the last 14 years. Anybody with the last name Pitsilos or Dectis , in the Bethlehem area, should be able to discuss the details and the size of the bribes. The kind of person I'm looking for on DCGreeks.com: Friendship with anybody ethical would be nice. Relationships with women who look like they could be pro volleyball players would be about right. |