Hi, my name is shahsm2 and I'm a 50 year-old male from Philadelphia, PA. I am looking for a serious relationship with women. Personal Statement: I am a 27 year old first-generation Indian boy who has decided to convert from being Hindu to Greek Orthodox. I don't know if it was the endless jokes about my family running all of the 7-11's in town, to owning all the motels on Broadway; something about being Indian has just turned me off. I want to be Greek. I want to be a part of the Greek culture, and would like my children to be instilled with Greek values and the Greek way of life. I am fascinated by Greek women. Their olive skin has captured my interest for the past several years. I enjoy reading, surfing, hanging out with friends, and parachuting. If interested please correspond via e-mail. Sanjay (The modified Greek)