WHY WE LOVE GREEK GIRLS… If you are reading this, you've probably already read "Our Story," where we've given visitors to our site our high-minded and noble reasons for starting this web site. But really, you've got to ask yourself, is this really why The Guys @ DCGreeks.com started this web site? We've got to be honest with you. When it comes down to it, we started this web site for one reason, and one reason alone... We
want to see Greek Guys meeting Greek Girls and vice-versa.
Nothing bothers us more than when we see a nice Greek girl or a good
Greek guy wasting their time with someone who, in the final analysis, isn't
right for them. For those of you
out there who have found that special Greek someone, God Bless You.
But for those of you out there who haven't, this site is especially for
So why do we love Greek girls? It's
not a question that has a simple answer. There
are many reasons why we love Greek girls. Oddly
enough some of them are the same reasons that others out there are absolutely
frustrated with Greek girls and don't want to have anything to do with them.
(We call these guys vlakes, but that's a discussion for another day and
time.) The obvious reason why we love Greek girls, is something that the world has known since the dawn of time. Simply put, Greek girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. We'll skip past the mythology and go straight to reality to see that this statement applies even in this day and age. Anyone who happened to catch this year's Miss Universe pageant knows that Miss Greece was absolutely robbed by coming in second place, thanks to the obvious home-cooking by the Puerto Rican based judges. She was a fine example of Greek beauty, with the classic dark eyes and long brown hair with which most Greek girls are blessed.
Greek girls never take this natural beauty for
granted. They go out of their way
to accentuate it, while never flaunting it.
Greek girls care about how they look.
While some might see this as a unhealthy egoismo, it really is a healthy self-respect.
You never see a Greek girl looking frumpy.
You never see a Greek girl dressing like a guy.
Greek girls dress like girls. They
wear the tight tops and the black pants, because well, that's how girls are
supposed to dress. No, you'll never
catch a Greek girl wearing the Birkenstocks or the big heavy sweatshirts, even
during their college years. Sure
this might come off as all Greek girls dressing alike, but if it works, then
there is no need to change it.
Aside from looks, there are other reasons why we love Greek girls.
Greek girls are the sweetest girls around.
They might not look like the most approachable girls out there,
especially in the venues where we see them the most -- Greek Nights -- but once
you get to talking to a Greek girl you realize that it's all a front.
A Greek girl will go through her "bad girl" phase during her
late teens and early 20s, but despite it all, and even during this phase, there
is still that underlying sense of innocence that a Greek girl never loses.
Behind the smoke of the Marlboro Lights and the occasional empty cocktail
glass, is still the girl who shows up to church once every couple of months, is
great with her niece, nephew or Godchild, and is the favorite of every yiayia at
coffee hour.
This sense of innocence translates into another quality we love about
Greek girls-- discretion. A Greek
girl is always discreet. She cares how she portrays herself to those around her.
She's careful about who she's seen "talking" to when she's out. It's
not that she's a snob, but rather she doesn't want to give anyone the wrong
impression. A Greek girl won't give out her number to just anyone. And when she
does it's almost never in a place where anyone can see it. I don't think I've
ever gotten a number from a Greek girl in a situation when anyone could be
watching. In fact I don't even think any of these girls carried a pen in their
purses. To go along with all these traits is confidence.
A Greek girl is always confident in what she does.
We're starting to see more of the young women in our community going to
school, studying, and getting good jobs. We
were particularly surprised during our college years to see many girls actually
leaving home to go to school, breaking away from the double-standard in this
community of parents "allowing" their boys to go away from school, but
always forcing their daughters to live at home. Yet the refreshing thing is that Greek girls are still
finding a way to balance their careers with the more traditional aspects of our
parent's generation.
There are many more reasons of why we love Greek
girls, but to name them all would be revealing too much of the mystery of Greek
girls, admittedly a mystery that while unraveling every day, will never truly be
discovered. Greek girls always have
a way of surprising us, on a daily basis, and perhaps this is what we love the
most about Greek girls. So to all
the Greek girls out there, we raise our ouzo
glasses in the air, and say, "Stin
Egiea Sas" and hope that you enjoy our site….. |