Welcome to GUS GUS is a game that tests your knowledge of both Greek and non-Greek trivia. Every week you will be presented with 12 two-part questions. The first part of the question will deal with non-Greek trivia, while the second part will ask a related question from a Greek point of view. Scoring: Each part of a question is worth 2 points, with 1 bonus point being awarded if you get both parts of the question correct. That's 5 points max per question; if you get both parts of all 12 question correct, you get 10 extra points, for a total of 70 points possible per game. After the game is over, you will have a chance not only to see how you did, but to compare your scores against other players. A new edition of GUS will come out every week, so be sure to check back for new editions. Scores will be cumulative, so don't worry if you have a bad week -- there will be plenty of time to make up for it. *To play GUS, you must be a registered member of DCGreeks.com, so the game can track your score from week to week. New Games
Released on Thursdays!