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Join Greeks and Philhellenes from over the Midwest and beyond from 5/2/25 - 5/4/25 in Cleveland, OH for three days of parties at the second annual Midwest Greeks event!  Ticket packages are now on sale exclusively at DCGreeks.com! Click here for details!
Colorful, traditional costumes and ethnic pride of both young and old will fill the streets of Baltimore on Sunday, March 30, 2025, at 2:00 PM, as the Greek-American Community commemorates Greek Independence Day with a festive parade in Baltimore's historic Greektown.  Click here for details!
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Over 1100 Photos from DCGreeks.com's Pan-Hellenism Weekend 2024 Friday Greek Night and Saturday Late Night Party are now online!  Click here for details!

Feature Articles

My Life In Ruins: How Georgia Found The Pullman of Her Dreams  Review of "My Life in Ruins" starring Nia Vardalos, and no it's not a sequel to "My Big Fat Greek Wedding."


What is πάμε?  We are happy to say our πάμε "Let's Go" series has been a success in bringing a diverse population of Greek-Americans together. But Greek time has left us asking you: "πάμε" in a more timely manner.


Spending Memorial Day Weekend Without Clearwater  The strange feeling left by the absence of the Clearwater YAL Weekend, soon gave way to a sort of contentment to just enjoy our own backyard of DC.


Local AHEPA Chapters Make Memorial Day a True Remembrance  A call to volunteer to help honor over 500 Greek-Americans buried at Arlington National Cemetery for Memorial Day 2009.


Euripides' Ion and the Temple He Brooms  Shakespeare Theatre Company's production of lesser-known Greek drama stays true to form but with a refreshingly modern take.


Forget The Economy, Greeks are Still Willing to Spend Money to Have a Good Time  Despite the less-than-desired economic situation, Greeks have flocked to fairly pricey Greek events. The trick to battling boredom until the economy picks up will be to get Greeks together for reasonably priced smaller events as well.


YAL DC Weekend 2008 Preview  A preview of the YAL DC Weekend 2008, keep checking for last minute details.


What We Won't Miss About Greece…Sticker Shock  To the Greek-American tourists in Greece this summer, the jacked up prices and nickel-and-diming of every amenity seemed atrocious, but the real horror comes when you think about the Greek young adults that live there.


What We'll Miss About Greece…Outdoor Cinema  Though not made for the typical summer blockbuster, these outdoor theaters hold a certain charm that cannot be rivaled by the usual movie theater.


YAL 2008 National Conference Preview  It is not surprising with its return to DC, that this years YAL National Conference may be one of the highest attended yet; the workshops, service projects, and exciting new venues for the social events lead us to expect the event will maintain a fantastic balance of class and hands-on fun.


Clearwater YAL Memorial Day Weekend 2008 Preview  With a return to some of the more desireable aspects of previous years, Clearwater YAL Memorial Day Weekend may just win back its core audience with its quality event. Hopefully the "'historic" new venue, can handle our "epic" convention.


Banquetology: AHI’s 33rd Anniversary Hellenic Heritage Achievement and National Public Service Awards Dinner vs. AHEPA’s 38th Biennial Banquet  AHI's black tie event narrowly edged out the AHEPA's in its appeal to young adults, although it's hard to beat a Hierarch pulling a $500 piece of technology from his vestments.


Being Greek During the Week  Yes, Greek events are bigger, louder, and better than others, but why not just relax with your Greeks during the week.


Minding Your Own Business  Many of our parents became entrepreneurs for want of options, but do Greek-Americans today have the knowledge…or the guts to break out of the corporate world?


Reflections on Clearwater YAL Memorial Day Weekend 2007: Needing a Little Less Y and a Lot More A  This year’s Clearwater YAL Convention may go down as the most polarizing YAL event ever, depending on whether you’re North or South of 25 years old.


It's Not Your Father's AHEPA Convention (Only If You Show Up)  Breathing new life into the oldest and largest Greek-American organization in the United States isn’t something anyone can do overnight. The most significant chance for all of us in the DC area to make at least a small impact in forcing AHEPA to consider the needs of our generation happens this June 14th – 17th as the AHEPA Capital District 3 Convention comes to the DC area with the goal of making this Not Your Father’s AHEPA Convention.


It Just Makes Sense to See Greek Concerts in DC  A commentary on attending Greek concerts in Washington DC area versus going to another city.


Clearwater YAL Memorial Day Weekend 2007 Preview  A preview of the 16th Annual Clearwater, FL YAL Memorial Day Weekend Convention in St. Pete Beach, Florida.


Early April Easter Makes for Packed Greek Calendar  Orthodox Easter in early April has a way of throwing things out of whack.


DCGreeks.com @ The Movies Reviews 300  A review of the 300, starring Gerald Butler and Lena Headey, based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller.


Greek Night Tests DC Smoking Ban  So it came to pass that it would take over a month for Greeks to finally test the smoking ban en masse, at a Greek-owned club no less.


Greek Movies Coming To DC and Baltimore in Fall, 2006  Greek Movies Coming To DC and Baltimore in Fall, 2006.


You Can't Disguise Halloween as Oxi Day  Whatever happened to Oxi Day? What once ranked in the top three of party days on the Greek-American calendar – after Greek Independence Day and New Year's Eve – has at least in DC, become a celebration in search of an identity.


YAL DC Weekend 2006 Preview  A Preview of the YAL DC Weekend 2006.


Rock Reflections By Yianna Vovides Special to DCGreeks.com  Appreciation for ancient ruins comes with age.


Rooting Against Yourself  This year’s FIBA World Basketball Championships may give Greek-Americans another possibility to possibly pit both ends of the hyphen against each other.


Supreme, Grand, (and Sometimes Bland)  Reflections on the 84th Annual AHEPA Supreme Convention


Quality over Quantity  National YAL Conference shows three days and 150 Young Adults can still make for a great time.


HELP WANTED  DCGreeks.com seeks talented writers, photographers, game designers, researchers, and marketing interns.


Reflections on Clearwater St. Pete Beach, 2006  DCGreeks.com's Review of the 15th Annual Clearwater, FL YAL Memorial Day Weekend Convention, held in St. Pete Beach, FL.


DCGreeks.com's Summer Travel Trifecta 2006  A preview of everything you need to know (or all that we know thus far) about Clearwater, the National YAL Conference, and the AHEPA Supreme Convention.


Holy week for Busy Greeks  Tips for busy Greek-Americans wishing to attend Holy Week church services.


Reflections on the AHEPA 37th Biennial Salute Banquet  Reflections on the AHEPA 37th Biennial Salute Banquet and AHEPA's Relevance to Future Generations of Greek-Americans.


Glykeria Coming to DC In March  March 19th concert in Tysons Corner last show of 2006 North American Tour.


40/40 2  Introducing the second year of 40 Before 40, an attempt to have a Greek event going on in DC everyday for 40 days before Lent.


2006 New Year's Resolutions for DCGreeks.com  In years past we’ve brought you New Year’s Resolutions for the Greek Community at Large. This year we’ll just stick to New Year’s Resolutions for us here at DCGreeks.com. No promises that we’ll actually live up to them.


Ode to a Greek House Party  The holiday season is typically the time when Greek-Americans open up their houses for parties – from the most sophisticated of affairs, to all-out ragers that are so much fun that they often deserve the title of “Greek Night Killers” for their ability to make one second-guess leaving the sleepy suburbs to head downtown at midnight.


Laconian Lost?  An unsolicited attempt to put the word out to the young adults who are planning on being in town over Thanksgiving to return to The Laconian and put this event back on the map as the must-attend event of the fall.


The Wildcard of YAL DC Weekend 2005  The wildcard of any YAL DC Weekend though is the turnout of the hundreds of young Greek adults here in the DC area.


Flying to the Sun on Wax Wings  Greeks are a people that enjoy rare success, like the recent double in European soccer and basketball, but more often is used to being on the short end of things and coming disappointingly close after a promising start.


The Grass is Not Always Greeker on the Other Side  Even though the quantity of the Greek life is greater in Chicago and other large Greek populated cities, the quality arguably remains the same as in DC or any other smaller community, and in some respects, Greek life in DC is actually better.


Keeping Your Greek Life Out of the Office  Advice on keeping your Greek life from being the talk of the office.


DCGreeks.com's 2005-2006 Fall/Early Winter Greek-American Travel Guide  DCGreeks.com's 2005-2006 Fall/Early Winter Greek-American Travel Guide, highlighting several local, regional, and super-regional Greek-American events.


AHI Internships Available for Local College Students  An announcement highlighting internship opportunities available for local college students at the American Hellenic Institute.


Four More Years!  Reflections on the first four years of DCGreeks.com.


"Ela Moré, It's Just Baltimore..."   A commentary on the lack of support for Greek-American events in Baltimore, MD.


Why We Hate Greek Cinema   A commentary on the latest Greek films to be shown at Washington/Baltimore area Greek film festivals.


A Greekin' Sweet House Party Wrap-Up  Ten hours and forty pounds of gyro later, our first, hopefully annual DCGreeks.com House Party came to an end. As with everything we put our name on here at DCGreeks.com we had optimistic expectations that probably surpassed those of the 120 or so people who attended.


YAL Women's Basketball Spring 2005 Tournament Wrap-Up   A Wrap-Up of the Washington, DC Area YAL Women's Basketball Spring, 2005 Basketball Tournament.


Greek League Basketball 2005 Season Wrap-Up   A Wrap-Up of the Washington, DC Area Men's Greek League Basketball League.


What's the Deal with A Greekin' Sweet House Party?   Frequently asked questions regarding DCGreeks.com's A Greekin' Sweet House Party Four Year Anniversary Celebration.


Clearwater, FL YAL Convention 2005 Log: 5/30/05  A review of the Monday of the 14th Annual Clearwater, FL YAL Memorial Day Weekend Convention.


Clearwater, FL YAL Convention 2005 Log: 5/29/05  A review of the Sunday of the 14th Annual Clearwater, FL YAL Memorial Day Weekend Convention.


Clearwater, FL YAL Convention 2005 Log: 5/28/05  A review of the Saturday of the 14th Annual Clearwater, FL YAL Memorial Day Weekend Convention.


Clearwater, FL YAL Convention 2005 Log: 5/27/05  A review of the Friday of the 14th Annual Clearwater, FL YAL Memorial Day Weekend Convention.


Clearwater, FL YAL Convention 2005 Log: 5/26/05  A review of the Thursday of the 14th Annual Clearwater, FL YAL Memorial Day Weekend Convention.


Clearwater, FL YAL Convention 2005 Log: 5/25/05  A review of the Wednesday Night of the 14th Annual Clearwater, FL YAL Memorial Day Weekend Convention.


Eirini Mercouri and Sarmbel Delight Hundreds at Clearwater, FL Show  A Review of the Eirini Mercouri and Sarmbel Concert on 5/28/05 in Clearwater, FL.


Clearwater 2005 Update  The Latest news on the 14th Annual Clearwater, FL YAL Memorial Day Weekend Convention.


Where all the Greek Women at?  An essay on the existence of and the demand for bonding amongst Greek women.


Why March 25th?  An essay on Greek Independence Day and the fact that it's during early spring, as opposed to summer.


40 Before 40 -- Events We Should Have Had  Recapping 40 Before 40, an attempt to have a Greek event going on in DC everyday for 40 days before Lent, by highlighting some events we should have had.


U.S. Government Internship in Greece -- By Joanna Apergis, USDA Co-op and former USDA International Intern  A press release announcing the availability of Foreign Agricultural Service Internship opportunties in Greece.


How Greek Guys in Their 30s Find Greek Girls in Their 20s  This year for Valentine’s Day, we here at DCGreeks.com decided to tackle one of the communities least talked about but most fascinating phenomena – how do Greek guys in their mid to late 30s end up marrying Greek girls in their early 20s?


2004 Athens Summer Olympics -- Too Hot for US TV  A commentary on Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki's response to complaints made to the FCC regarding indecency of the 2004 Athens Summer Olympic Telecast.


40 Before 40 -- How to Make Your Own Greektown  Introducing 40 Before 40, an attempt to have a Greek event going on in DC everyday for 40 days before Lent.


2005 New Year's Resolutions for the DC Greek Community  In 2004, the focus was on the “Greek way” in Athens. In 2005, it’s time to focus again on how you can improve on yourself and our community along the way.


DCGreeks.com@ The Movies Reviews Alexander (the Grating)  A review of the Oliver Stone Film, Alexander, starring Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer, and Anthony Hopkins.


When Greek Night Meets Reality  Members of the cast of 2nd season of The Apprentice stumble into a Greek-International Night.


Out of Town is In Bounds  An essay on the importance of out of town visitors to the DC Greek Community.


US Government Forgets Greece Recognizes FYROM as "The Republic of Macedonia"  A call to action for Greek-Americans to protest the US Government recognizing FYROM as The Republic of Macedonia.


Countdown to YAL Washington, DC Weekend 2004  A preview of the YAL Washington, DC Weekend, 2004.


Greek Wear: Clothed-Off from the Rest of Society  An essay on the clothing choices available to young Greek-Americans when attending social functions.


No Greek Choice in 2004  The 2004 US Presidential Election has an absence of any Greek-American candidates to follow. So without blind ethnic loyalty to make the decision for us, who's a Greek-American to vote for?


The Olympics Are Over, Now Get Off the Couch  As the days pass since the Olympic Flame was extinguished over Athens, the excitement for those who went and those who didn’t have faded as quickly as the tans of those who made the trip to Greece this summer.


DCGreeks.com's Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Log: The Triumph of The Greek Way  A reflection on the success of Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Games, and its implications for the future of Greece.


DCGreeks.com's Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Log Aug. 17th: Men's Basketball: USA vs. Greece  Themistocles lucks out and scores tickets to the USA vs. Greece in Men's Basketball. Can he be content with either team winning, or must he make a choice?


DCGreeks.com's Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Log: A Review of the Opening Ceremonies  Stuck state-side, Aristotelis reviews the Opening Ceremonies through the lens of NBC TV.


DCGreeks.com's Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Log: August 6th-7th  Themistocles recounts his Olympic Ticket buying experience in downtown Athens.


After Three Years, The Guys @ DCGreeks.com ask, Is this The End of DCGreeks.com?  Reflections on the first three years of DCGreeks.com, with a look into the future.


UEFA Euro 2004: The Greek Miracle  Reflections on Greece's miraculous run to win Euro 2004 Soccer Championship.


DCGreeks.com @ The Movies Presents A Review of ΔΥΣΚΟΛΙ ΑΠΟΧΑΙΡΕΤΙΣΜΟΙ: Ο ΜΠΑΜΠΑΣ ΜΟΥ (Hard Goodbyes: My Father)  A Review of Hard Goodbyes: My Father, a film by Penny Panayotopoulou.


Reflections on Clearwater, 2004  A Review of the 13th Annual Clearwater, FL YAL Memorial Day Weekend Convention.


DCGreeks.com @ The Movies Presents  Troy: Just Like I Remembered It  A review of the Wolfgang Peterson Film, Troy, starring Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, and Eric Bana.


What if Rachel Green was Rachel Greek?  A look at what Friends would be like if Jennifer Aniston's character was Greek.


Top Gifts for Every Greek Mother  Top Gifts for Every Greek Mother on Mother's Day.


How to Pick Up a Greek Festival Volunteer  The Guys @ DCGreeks.com present a fool-proof guide to picking up the busiest of all Greek-American young adults on these weekends, the Greek Festival Volunteers.


Perceptions of Pascha, 2004  There were a lot of ingredients that came together to make this year’s observance of Holy Week and Easter even more relevant to Greek Orthodox Christians here in the D.C. area.


What Greek Independence Day Means to Me  If you’ve followed site this for the past three years, you’ll notice that we’ve never had a Greek Independence Day article. We really don’t have an explanation of why that’s been, but I figured I’d take a shot at it this year.


Greek-Americans Asking for Help: A Guide to Networking In and Out of the Greek Community  The Greek-American community in D.C. can be a great resource for networking, but it doesn’t happen as often as people outside this community would think and people inside this community would hope.


Will Your Job Be Sent to Greece?  A humorous look at what outsourcing to Greece would be like.


Why Was There No Valentine's Day Article This Year?  For the past two years on DCGreeks.com, we’ve brought you stories (well, actually, the same story, and its conclusion) celebrating how two young-adults found each other in this crazy, mixed-up Greek community that we live in. This year we decided to forego all that, when we came to the realization that the Greek community here in DC really doesn’t want to celebrate two people finding each other and all the other things that are wrapped up into this holiday.


Why It Will Be Good To Be Greek in 2004  An essay on why it will be good to be Greek in 2004.


10th Annual YAL Washington, DC Weekend Draws Hundreds to DC  Photos and Videos from the 2003 YAL Washington DC Weekend.


Greek Girl-on-Girl Action  A profile of the newly formed Greek Orthodox Women's Basketball club in the Washington, DC area.


Hurricane Disrupts Greek Life in DC  The effects of Hurricane Isabel on Greek American life in the Washington, DC area.


A Greek Guy Eye on Interior Design  An essay on a Greek man's difficulty agreeing on Interior Design.


Our Big Fat Greek Writer's Block  An essay on attempts to write articles on the Greek community during the slowest part of the Greek social calendar.


21st YAL National Conference Wrap-Up  A day-by-day account of our time at the 21st YAL National Conference, held in nearby Baltimore, MD on July 4th weekend of 2003.


The Business of Greek Festivals  Greeks exercising portion-control? You must be joking?


How to Get a Greek Guy  Some people say that Greek guys in this country don't pursue women like their cousins in the homeland do. Here's what a Greek Girl can do about it.


Ode to Greek Mothers  A tribute to Greek mothers, just in time for Mother's Day.


Holy Week, 2003: Do You Suffer from HWADD?  A profile of Holy Week Attention Deficit Disorder (HWADD), a condition which threatens the very fabric of our Greek Orthodox lives.


DCGreeks.com Mailbag April, 2003: DCGreeks.com Member needs your help to make her cousin an 'Island Idol'  A call on the DCGreeks.com community's help to help a high school senior in Long Island, NY win a radio contest.


DCGreeks.com News Round-Up  Our second April Fool's Day article, part of which suggested that we'd given up taking pictures at events! You can only imagine the disappointment.


Kiss Me, I'm Greek?  The Guys @ DCGreeks.com ask: Where's my McGyro? Where are my Olympic Donkey and Goat? And what do you mean my foustanella only comes in white?


Lenten Fasting Tips  If you've never fasted before or even if you're a fasting master, we'll show give you a few tips on how to make it through Lent on more than just PB & J.


My Big Fat Greek Life: All the Greek family you want, without the messy clean up.     A review of the series premiere of My Big Fat Greek Life. While we underestimated the appeal of the original movie, we think we nailed this review of the since-cancelled sit-com.


Fanourios Found!!!  The conclusion to our Valentine's Day, 2002 search for the Mysterious Matchmaker that introduced a young, now married, Greek couple to each other in 1999.


Ouzo and Metaxa:  Do They Really Do That?  An essay describing the many unknown uses of Greece's most popular liquors.


Dating Greek is often a (Herculean) Labor of Love  How the Labors of Hercules can be used to describe daters in the Greek community.


Do Greeks and Turkey Get Along?  An article on how Greek-Americans celebrate Thanksgiving.


When a Thousand Goats is Not Enough   Suggestions on the prika to be tendered by the bride or groom's family based on certain baseline examples found in today's Greek-American community.


The Greek Hello is Also the Greek Goodbye  Probably the only article ever written analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of kissing other Greeks on both cheeks when you meet them.


25 Under 25  One church's attempt to revamp their YAL by bringing in younger members.


DCGreeks.com 2002 Fall Preview  A preview of the events that people would talk about in the fall of 2002.


Working Hard, or Hardly Working?  A Labor Day salute to the Greek-American work ethic.


Sun, Sand, Spikes, and Syrta: YAL of Hampton Roads Hosts Beach Blast 2002  A review of Norfolk's YAL Beach Blast Volleyball Tournament Weekend.


DCGreeks.com on The Dating Scene Radio  A multimedia extraveganza on The Guys @ DCGreeks.com's first and only appearance on the radio, giving dating advice for people in the Greek community and getting heckled by a member of the Bare Naked Ladies.


DCGreeks.com Year One Retrospective  A behind the scenes look back at the first year of DCGreeks.com.


Greeks in Heat   A rant on how Greeks weather the DC summer heat and humidity.


Greeks United: Local Soccer Team Finds Success Through a Grecian Formula  A profile of the DC area's only all-Greek soccer team.


Washingtonian Magazine Tackles Greek Life in DC  DCGreeks.com reviews the reviewers of Greek Life in DC.


DCGreeks.com @ The Movies Presents: A Thin Review of My Big Fat Greek Wedding  We slept on this one. We still can't believe that this movie is the highest grossing independent film of all time.


How To Be Greek For An Entire Weekend  A plan for balancing even the most jam packed of Greek weekends.


You're Greek so the Easter Bunny isn't Coming til Later  A satirical explanation of Greek Easter rituals.


Greeks Jumping out the Gym: Greek League Basketball Playoffs Tip-Off this Weekend    A feature highlighting the Greek League, a DC area Greek basketball league for young adults.


DCGreeks.com Mythology   Our apology for not telling people that we came out with an April Fool's article the week before.


Secrets of DCGreeks.com Revealed!!!  Our first April Fools Article that people didn't know was an April Fool's article.


BATTLE of the GREEK NIGHTS  What happens when two Greek Night promoters dare to schedule two separate Greek Nights on one of the biggest party nights in the Greek community.


So You've Got a Greek Name...  A salute to all those out there with four syllables in their first and last names that end in s.


Greeks and the Winter Olympics  Want to know the reason why the Greeks have never won a medal at the Winter Games?


Quest for Cupid or The Elusive Eros or Finding Fanourios  A heartwarming tale of a young Greek couple's search for the man who introduced them years ago.


A Visit to the DCGreeks.com Mailbag: What's the deal with Magkes & Koukles?   Another teaser for DCGreeks.com charity bachelor/bachelorette auction.


Crisis in Our YALs?  An even more preachy plea to reverse the trend in our YALs of slumping participation and lack of community service.


New Year's Resolutions for the DC Greek Community  A very preachy article on our hopes for the Greek Community at the start of the first New Year in the history of DCGreeks.com.


Magkes & Koukles: An Introduction  Remember the time The Guys @ DCGreeks.com sold Greek guys and girls for charity?


Greek Films in DC: Peppermint Leaves Bad Aftertaste  The Guys @ DCGreeks.com take a shot at actually reviewing a artsy foreign film, with subtitles no less.


Laconian Society of Washington, DC Area 66th Annual Dance: A Review  A chance to see if our predictions about the Laconian Dance came true.


Laconian Dance 101: Intro to The Laconian Dance  A primer on the DC's area best attended Greek dance event.


Gyro and Souvlaki: The Changing Face of an Open-Faced Sandwich  The Internet's most widely read article on the subject of gyro and souvlaki, guaranteed.


Why Greeks Don't Date Greeks  A classic exposition which first introduced the analogy of dating a non-Greek like going out for fast food.


The Greeks Come Out at Night  Another in a long line of weekend recap articles we were fond of writing back in the day.


Relaxing with Greeks  Can Greeks just hang out in a place that's not a Greek Night or a semi-formal event?


2001 YAL Washington, DC Weekend Review  Can't remember what happened at YAL Washington, DC Weekend back in 2001? We can't either, so we're glad we wrote this article.


The Guys @ DCGreeks.com ask: Speed Dating at the YAL DC Greek Night? What’s up with that?  Can Greeks survive seven minutes of actually having to talk to each other at a Greek Night?


How to Greek Dance  We'll teach you the basics and how to fake it if you don't have the moves.


DCGreek.com's Fall, 2001 Preview  The Guys @ DCGreeks.com wonder what the world would be like if all your favorite local Greek organizations put on events like networks put on TV shows.


DCGreeks.com Goes Back to School  Ah, to be Greek without needing to be in a fraternity or a sorority. If your school didn't have a Hellenic Society, you missed out.


DCGreeks.com @ The Movies Reviews Captain Corelli’s Mandolin  The Guys @ DCGreeks.com give this tale of a smart Greek girl dumping a not-so-smart Greek guy three goats.


Old School Festivals  A nostalgic look at two not-so-local Greek festivals off the beaten path and way outside the Beltway.


No Greeks at Greek Night  If there is a Greek Night and no Greeks show up, is it still a Greek night?


The DC in DCGreeks.com    A thoughful challenge to the Greek community to aspire to a more well rounded Greek-American existence.


WHY WE LOVE GREEK GIRLS...  A satirical statement on the virtues of the fairer sex in the Greek community.
