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Over 1100 Photos from DCGreeks.com's Pan-Hellenism Weekend 2024 Friday Greek Night and Saturday Late Night Party are now online!  Click here for details!
Colorful, traditional costumes and ethnic pride of both young and old will fill the streets of Baltimore on Sunday, March 30, 2025, at 2:00 PM, as the Greek-American Community commemorates Greek Independence Day with a festive parade in Baltimore's historic Greektown.  Click here for details!
The Hellenic Society Prometheas & Hellenic Organizations of the DC Metropolitan area invite you to a Celebration of the 204th Anniversary of Greek Independence on Saturday 3/29/25 at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Bethesda, MD. Click here for details!
What's New @ DCGreeks.com
03/22New Event: The Hellenic Society Prometheas' Celebration of The 204th Anniversary of the Greek Independence on 3/29/25 at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Bethesda, MD
03/09New Event: Maryland Greek Independence Day Parade on 3/30/25 in Baltimore's Greektown
02/24Tickets are now on sale for Midwest Greeks 2025 from May 2-4, 2025 in Cleveland, OH!
11/17DCGreeks.com's Pan-Hellenism Weekend 2024 Saturday Late Night Party Photos (11/2/2024)
11/17DCGreeks.com's Pan-Hellenism Weekend 2024 Friday Greek Night Photos (11/1/2024)
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Join Greeks and Philhellenes from over the Midwest and beyond from 5/2/25 - 5/4/25 in Cleveland, OH for three days of parties at the second annual Midwest Greeks event!  Ticket packages are now on sale exclusively at DCGreeks.com! Click here for details!

February 11, 2002

Quest for Cupid 
The Elusive Eros
Finding Fanourios

The real life story of one young couple's search for their Mysterious Matchmaker.

The following is an email we received here at DCGreeks.com asking for your help in finding a mysterious stranger who introduced Thanos Basdekis and Vivian Hatzi to each other over two years ago.

Dear Guys @ DCGreeks.com,

On October 16, 1999, a Greek guy named Thanos and a Greek girl named Vivian met at theYAL DC Weekend Dance in Alexandria, Virginia. It's been over two years since we met but we're happy to say that we're engaged and are planning on getting married in June 2003. 

The reason we are writing to you is because there's a little bit of a mystery surrounding how we met that night. There was a guy who introduced us to each other, who I had just met, and Vivian didn't even know. This is why we are turning to you and the rest of the members and visitors of DCGreeks.com for help. We have been trying for the last two years to discover the identity of the young man who introduced us, but no one seems to know who he is or where he came from. 

If you were to ask our families about it, they'd tell you that our mysterious matchmaker was none other than Agios Fanourios, the Greek patron saint who helps believers find treasured possessions. Others have told us it was Cupid or Eros that made the match. While we agree that some special spirit was in the air that evening, we can't help but thinking of a more earthly explanation for our matchmaker. He looked like a normal Greek-American guy, about 5'10" tall, with a lean to average build, dark, close-cropped hair, and sporting a goatee on the evening in question. He appeared to be about 28-32 years old, and was likely a Maryland resident. He seemed to know just about everybody at the dance because he spent the better part of the evening bouncing from group to group, shaking hands and introducing people. We're actually wondering if we weren't the only lucky ones to have crossed his path that evening. He was one of those rare social butterflies who never forgets a name, which is, of course, more than we can say for ourselves.

If you have an idea of who this matchmaker might be, please let us know, because we would really like to thank him in person and invite him to our wedding. We'd like to thank everyone for any help they might be able to give us in finding him. 

Happy Valentine's Day,

Thanos & Vivian 

Thanos and Vivian at Magkes & Koukles.
Not pictured, the Mysterious Matchmaker.

Can you can help Thanos and Vivian?  Send a message with any info you might have to LookingforEros@DCGreeks.com.

Stay tuned to DCGreeks.com for any updates on this search.



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